Result Department


AstraFit — occupies a leading position in the e-commerce market with offices in the USA, Cyprus and Ukraine. This is a platform of innovative technologies for fitting clothes — the main tool is the Virtual Fitting Room.



In-person meetings in 7 months


Avg. monthly KPI


Today, AstraFit is a powerful international company that has brought together the best IT specialists — developers, marketers, designers. We are conducting advanced developments in the field of online shopping, the technology is constantly being improved and perfected.

Among our clients are leading global brands: Quelle Otto Group, Reima, Megasport, MustHave, Lacoste, Zarina, OhMyLook, Arber, Avon, BeFree, Vovk, etc. Many of them have been with us from the very beginning and have been our partners for more than 7 years.

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